School Levy Election

The upcoming levy election in February 2024 holds profound significance for Morton School District No. 214. At the heart of this electoral proposition is Resolution No. 2023-24/01, crafted by the Board of Directors. This resolution seeks to secure the necessary funding for educational programs and operational expenses, ensuring the sustained excellence of the district's offerings. This essay will shed light on the details of the levy,  proposed tax rates, estimated levy amounts, and the allocation of funds to various educational programs and services.

Proposition Overview:

The proposition before the electorate involves authorizing the District to levy excess taxes on all taxable properties within the district. This measure is intended to replace an expiring levy and is instrumental in supporting the educational programs and operational expenses not covered by the State of Washington's funding. The levy is structured over a four-year span, with each collection year carrying its own estimated levy and corresponding tax rate per $1000 assessed value.

Levy Details:

The breakdown of the levy for the years 2025 through 2028 is as follows:

  • 2025: Estimated levy of $1,250,000 with a tax rate of $1.59 per $1000 assessed value.
  • 2026: Estimated levy increases to $1,385,000 with a tax rate of $1.69.
  • 2027: The levy continues to rise, reaching an estimated $1,520,000 with a tax rate of $1.78.
  • 2028: The final year sees an estimated levy of $1,655,000 and a tax rate of $1.87.

Allocation of Funds:

The funds generated through this levy will be strategically allocated each year to address the district's financial needs beyond basic education. This encompasses various essential programs and services vital to the holistic development of students. The key areas of allocation include:

  1. General Education
  2. Special Education
  3. Other Programs
  4. Support Services

Further Breakdown:

Within these broad categories, funds will be allocated to cover:

  • Salaries of Staff
  • Benefits and Taxes
  • Supplies
  • Purchased Services
  • Travel
  • Capital Outlay

The upcoming levy election in February 2024 for Morton School District No. 214 secures the financial support necessary for sustaining the district's educational learning programs and operations. The proposed levy structure, with incremental increases over the four years, reflects a strategic approach to meeting the district's evolving needs.